
Showing posts from May, 2012

The Lucky Generation

The Lucky Generation             The other day, I was in a family get-together. Lots of cousins, relatives and kinsmen were present. But the two youngest cousins caught my attention in particular. The sis, barely in her teens and just outta 10 th , was on her mobile phone 24×7- texting, calling, chatting, browsing, BBMing and what not. The bro, pursuing graduation, was in a zone of his own, totally oblivious of the external world. He was encapsulated in a world of gizmos, surrounded by a Dell laptop, an Apple i-pod, a Samsung tablet, Sony earphones, a Nokia cell phone, a Seagate hard-drive, a Transcend pen-drive and so on. Mind you, he had come from a different town carrying all this electronic entourage. Watching this took me to my days when I was barely out of school when even a cable TV was not a thing you’ll find in every household. Mind you, this wasn’t decades ago, just a few years ago. I was amazed at this incredible pr...