
Showing posts from October, 2015

Turning 30

Turning 30 I just turned 30 and it’s amusing that I’ve had people making a huge deal out of this march ahead into a new decade. I hear my peers sympathising over “30," saying it in whispered tones and with the feel of something that shouldn’t be named (sounds like Voldy , eh?) Well, ‘30’ is probably one of the most intriguing milestones in one’s life. It is kind of an inflection point (math & stats experts would love this metaphor!) where you might witness a sharp change in your fortunes, be it from bad to good or the other way round. Financially, you might be going above the ‘X’ axis but your body graph starts going below it! ‘30’ is hard to classify as old or young. For starters, you may be perceived as ‘old’ by the bunch of kids playing in your housing society or by the group of college-going students in a hangout place. However, the professional industry will still think you as a greenhorn or newbie since you would be having less than 6-7 years of work exp...

The Notice Period

The Notice Period                 The much awaited offer letter lands in your inbox and after going through the particulars, you eagerly send your acceptance of offer. There is a sense of elation and you are now eager to convey this to your immediate supervisor/manager, colleagues and friends. And finally, after discussions with your manager and triggering the resignation in your system, here comes the ‘notice period’.                 Notice period is an intriguing period of time in your corporate life. While some companies let go their employees very quickly, others tend to ensure that the associate has served his entire notice period. So here, let me walk you through a typical separation period.                 This is a period where you are neither here n...